Ultimate Journeys: Travel in Peru

The Charm of Peruviuan Luxury

Written by Juan Manuel Secada | Jun 19, 2024 6:19:58 PM

Explora Hotel

There are many concepts of luxury. The most traditional, and the one most people identify with, is ostentatious, big, over-the-top, radiant luxury. And it's true that this has always been and will always be considered as such. But there are other ideas of luxury that are gaining strength every day and are even considered a privilege by many people. These new concepts have been introduced in the tourism sector.

Some seek luxury in large hotels, with 24-hour personal attention, a dream spa, opulent decor and a five-star restaurant that never fails. Others, however, see luxury from a different perspective and in a different way. They find it in the experience of the destination they are visiting, in the human richness and quality of its people, and in all that the environment has to offer. True luxury in tourism is defined not only by opulence, but also by the authenticity and depth of the experience. This more intimate and genuine approach to luxury is redefining the way we perceive travel and the privileges it can offer. 


Colca Valley


At LimaTours, we focus on every detail to provide exceptional experiences. We know our clients, the agencies, and understand the desires of their passengers. In addition, we are familiar with the different markets we work with, which allows us to make appropriate recommendations. We always suggest from our experience, making sure that every recommendation has been personally tested and evaluated.  


"The LimaTours team always recommends something they already know, that's what makes us different. The team is always exploring and trying different services to offer and recommend. We recommend based on experience. As operators we have to know the product". 

Ronald Vera - Regional Manager for Latin America, Spain, Italy and Portugal


For example, "to a  young couple we can recommend the Explora Hotel in the town of Urquillos in the Sacred Valley of Cusco, as it is the perfect place to go in search of outdoor adventures such as long walks or any other activity that requires more physical effort. If they are older, they will be offered something as elegant and comfortable as the Hotel B in Barranco, smaller, more personalized, more boutique, or like the Sol y Luna in Urubamba, which is for a more leisurely type of tourist, but also offers many activities and amenities ".


Explora Hotel

"LimaTours is very careful with the details when planning a luxury tour. We have a team of experts who know the operation and the destinations," adds Ronald. He recently made a trip to Arequipa with Milagros Garrido, Product Manager, and José Pedraza, General Manager, to test and learn about two of the Andean brand's products: the Cirqa Hotel in the city, and Puqio, in the beautiful Colca Valley. 


Culebrillas Canyon


In Peru, the concept of luxury is taking shape over time, as we are considered a premium destination worldwide. Arequipa, like Cusco and Lima, although with smaller numbers of visitors, is ready to meet the growing demand for luxury experiences. In addition to Puqio and Cirqa, we have the Colca Lodge, the Casitas del Colca by Belmond, and even a world-renowned luxury train: the Andean Explorer, also by Belmond. 


Colca Lodge

One of the highlights of these luxury experience hotels is the quality of their staff. From the service and attention they provide to the interaction with the drivers and guides, all the people you meet during your stay complement and enrich the experience.

"What differentiates LimaTours as an operator is definitely the quality of the advice we give and the human side we have, because we know what we are offering, we can recommend certain guides that make the difference in a travel experience, we know what kind of car to send our clients because we know them and we know what they like. The luxury experience is about knowing and offering the best of the human side," adds Ronald, who says he likes to be the first to try a product and then be able to tell his clients that he knows it, that he has tried it, and that he recommends it because it will meet their expectations. 


Andean Explorer

In addition to highlighting the unique experience offered by the hotels, it's important to highlight the destination itself. Arequipa, for example, is a beautiful city with charming neighborhoods and an impressive main square. Its surroundings are well maintained and preserved, but what really stands out is its gastronomy, considered one of the best and most varied in the country.


Victoria - democratic Picantería 

Colca would not be what it is without the presence of the city of Arequipa and vice versa, as they complement each other perfectly. The same is true of Machu Picchu and the city of Cusco; together they form a combination that enhances each other and enriches the traveler's experience. 


"Something very curious is that people who go to visit the Colca Valley do not make any stops on the way from Arequipa. That is why it's important to have a guide who knows and recommends these stops. On this road are the Sillar Route and Pampa Cañahuas. Two places you can't miss and if they don't tell you about them, you'll miss them. A luxury to have such a guide",

 José Pedraza - CEO


Cirqa - Parador in Arequipa 

"Speaking of our trip to Arequipa, I want to emphasize that both Cirqa and Puqio have a great sense of place, the infrastructure blends perfectly with the landscape where they are located, taking good care of the environment, and that is a luxury, it is sense of place," says Milagros, recalling the privileged days she spent there.


"In Puqio, in the Colca Valley, it's not necessary to be very luxurious in terms of infrastructure, as there are safari-style rooms in tents, but good taste and sobriety prevail, as if you were in a family home. It is not a hotel that offers 24 hour service, due to its location and concept, but the staff will make sure that you have everything you need for a spectacular night. They make you feel at home. You don't feel like they're invading or disturbing you, but they have a very subtle way of being there for whatever you need. That's what I call luxury'

 Milagros Garrido - Product Manager




In a country as diverse as Peru, with a wide range of experiences to discover, it is essential to recognize the individual preferences of each traveler. In addition, it is important to ask about their favorite destinations and the reasons behind these choices. This allows us to recommend activities and destinations that match your interests and expectations. With an unparalleled variety of destinations, Peru offers endless opportunities to experience luxury tourism at its best. 


Bosque Guardián Lodge

"Visiting Iquitos is also a luxury, because although it is a vibrant city with its own chaotic charm, it offers a unique combination of luxury and nature. There are the Amazon cruises or the lodges in the middle of the jungle. The latter cannot offer you opulent stays in large buildings with the latest finishes, but due to their location and ability to move in the middle of the Amazon, they offer you unique experiences that are considered luxury because they are experiential activities and specific to the area, in tune with the environment and conscious of the place where they are," agree Ronald and Milagros, very sure of what they are talking about because of the years of experience they have. 


Delfin Cruise

Luxury is something completely personalized, adapted to the profile of each traveler. Luxury is also getting to Machu Picchu on foot, living the experience of contemplating this wonder of the world after days of walking the Inca Trail. Luxury is that the people who serve you know your limits, how far they can go and how to present the product they offer. It is having exceptional people in your team, capable of reading and understanding your clients, and having key companions who accompany and enrich you during the trip, leaving you satisfied, full of learning and, above all, eager to return. 

Peru is a destination that fills you with history, good food and warm people; it's a mystical place. Coming to Peru is a luxury, because it's a luxury country.